Talk about a bad Monday.  On Monday, August 26th, 2013, a tornado tore through the city of Deva in Romania.  In the process, it severely damaged the roofs on the orphanage we support with its surrounding buildings.  We praise God that none of our leaders or any of the children were hurt physically by the storm.  The early reports indicate that about five (5) people in the city lost their lives to the storm.  Our damage was the psychological damage and trauma experienced by everyone involved that resulted from weathering a sever storm and the damage to the buildings.  With time and God’s grace, the horrible memories will fade and the smiles will return.  The buildings will require much work and money to repair them and bring them back to their prior condition.  Please consider providing some financial support to help us rebuild and to show unity with our brothers in Romania.

There will be two phases to the reconstruction.  The first step is to repair and in some cases replace the roofs so as to prevent any further damage.  This process started immediately, while it was still raining.  Our brothers in Romania are working from sun-up to sun-down to stop any further damage.  They are physically exhausted as they try to save what it has taken decades to build.  The second step will be to repair the water damage caused by water pouring though the buildings.  This process will begin once the roofs have been restored.

Financially, the orphanages are fully dependent on the monthly support they receive from the Gospel Tabernacle church in Coudersport, PA, the Haven of Hope Foundation and God’s Grace to operate.  They survive from month to month, often requiring miracle provisions to make it.  They have no rainy day fund.  There is no better experience to be the conduit that God uses to accomplish His will.  If you would like to contribute to the rebuilding, please let me know.  No contribution is too big or too small.

Roof Tiles Destroyed   582534_10201239806533731_1775662875_n   557439_10201239789173297_1104062096_n   1157653_10201240130381827_2135164860_n
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