
This is where it all begins.  Here is the sketch of the new church building that will be constructed this year in Hunedoara, Romania.  This sketch is currently being converted to professional drawings that will be used to obtain permits.  It will be a one story, roughly 50′ x 100′ building.  The construction will leverage the strength of Romanian and American building styles.  The exterior walls will be block and concrete construction, the core of Romanian construction practices.  There will be a metal roof.  Interior walls will be made from wood, leveraging American construction practices.

Years ago, Pastor Viorel’s foundation was given two parcels of land from the city.  The city was willing to help Pastor Viorel to accomplish his vision of building a church and an orphanage in Hunedoara.  So far, we have seen the orphanage completed.  It has become home to orphans since 2012.  The city gave the land to Pastor Viorel’s non-profit foundation, but there was a string attached.  If he didn’t build in a prescribed amount of time, the land was to revert back to the city.  It was fair enough.  The orphanage was constructed just in time to satisfy the city’s conditions.   

God’s sovereignty is at work here.  His timing, is not our timing.  We found out this month that the Mayor’s office was reviewing whether we complied with the construction requirements.  Apparently, the orphanage construction does not satisfy the full construction requirements, since there are two separate parcels.  Pastor Viorel poured the foundation’s footer by faith to start the building of the church several years ago, but that also was insufficient.  The city has given us till July, 2014 to have a building constructed, with a roof on it, to meet the construction requirement.   

We are breaking the project into phases.  Phase One involves getting the church constructed to the point that we have satisfied the city’s requirements, so that the land does not revert to the city’s ownership.  This phase has two parts.  The first part is to fund the concrete walls.  We have secured the blocks, but we need to raise $15,000 to purchase concrete and steel re-bar for the walls.  The second part of Phase One is the roof.  We will need to raise an additional $15,000 to purchase the lumber and metal roofing materials for the roof.  We are beginning to assemble a team of men with construction experience to go over and build the roof.  If you have an interest in joining this team, please let me know.

Phase Two of the project will be the completion of the church, so that we can hold church services.  The church in Hunedoara is full and growing.  Church services are currently held in a recreation room in the orphanage.  The child protection services have asked that we stop having church in the orphanage.  They are concerned that the public may bring sickness into the orphanage that the children would otherwise not be exposed to if public church services were not held there.  But right now, we have no other options.  We are currently estimating the costs of finishing the church so that services can be held.  

We walk in faith, believing that God is more than able to provide for the needs of His church.  He is a debtor to no man.  “Give, and it will be given to you. They will pour into your lap a good measure– pressed down, shaken together, and running over. For by your standard of measure it will be measured to you in return.”  Luke 6:38 NASB.  If you have any interest in learning more about this project, please contact me.