Pastor Herb Stoner

DSC06529Hello! My name is Herb Stoner. I served as the Director of Christ Community Church’s School of Ministry from 2006 through 2014. It was my joy and pleasure to observe firsthand the growth and transformation taking place in the lives of the many SOM students.

Recently I have undertaken the directorship of SOM International, a leadership development program with a worldwide focus.  We, the SOM International leadership team, believe revival is more than simply a series of anointed services. The hallmark of revival is societal transformation. The vision of SOM International is to equip believers to impact every facet of society in order to see the kingdom of God fully manifested on the earth. Whether you are a businessperson, a parent, a student, a civil servant, an artist, or a teacher, you have a vital role to play in manifesting the kingdom of God in the earth.

God is using SOM International to equip and release His people to impact the world. This equipping includes two areas of focus: laying a foundation of Biblical knowledge and developing a familiarity with the person and ministry of the Holy Spirit. The instructors draw upon their experience and anointing to impart more than information to the students. Using their gifts they teach our students how to flow in the power of the Holy Spirit. As a result students have the chance to identify their gifts, clarify their calling, and grow in their anointing, in an atmosphere of mutual support, honor, and love.

I welcome you to be a part of this exciting and nation-transforming ministry through ongoing prayer and financial support. 

How You Can Help

There are several ways you can partner with SOM International to raise up and train leaders around the world. 

First, prayer support is foundational to the success of any endeavor for Christ.  If you would like to become a regular intercessor for SOM International, please send your email address to  We will add you to our intercessors mailing list.  You will receive regular updates and alerts regarding specific things to be praying about.

Second, finances are needed to support the work of the ministry.  SOM International does not necessarily charge tuition for the training that is given.  When tuition is charged, it is based on the student’s ability to pay.  The result is that currently the tuition is not able to fund the work.  Therefore, we are looking for people who share our passion to see the kingdom of God manifested around the world, who would like to partner with us financially by pledging to give on a monthly basis or by making a one-time contribution.

Contributions can be made by clicking on the DONATE button at the top of this screen.  All financial contributions are tax deductible.

The finances will be used to support the work of the Director, fund the development and production of the curriculum including honoraria to the instructors, and pay the expenses involved in traveling to the various nations where SOM International is developing leaders. 

We invite you to prayerfully consider how you might partner with SOM International. 


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Areas Served

Pastor Herb Stoner oversees Schools in several cities in Romania, as well as India.


SOM Romania Class of 2016

SOM Romania Class of 2016