Easing Suffering, Bringing Healing

and introducing people to the “life giving presence of God.”


Just Ordinary People

At 15 years of age, Nurse Midwife Edith Cochrane was just an ordinary girl from a poor family.  In a prayer meeting, at a church altar, God called her to be a missionary nurse in northeastern Congo, a remote and desolate place deep in the African jungle.  That night Edith committed to do everything “For His Glory Alone.”

Training Nurses and Midwives

Due to the desperate need for medical care in Congo, Nurse-Midwife Edith Cochrane made training nurses and midwives a priority in her practice.  Here she stands with some of the nurses and midwives that she trained.  Today, Congo Nurse Scholarship Project continues her compassionate medical work and ministry by training nurses and midwives for the most remote areas of northeast Congo.

The Results So Far

Dr. Steve Made, our managing doctor in Congo, stands with 6 of the 10 nurses and midwives currently in training.  Six of these students are 3rd year and 4 others are 2nd year students.  These students are already easing suffering, bringing healing and introducing people to the life giving presence of God. With your partnership this year we will be able to send 6 more students for training.


1) To Ease Suffering

2) To Bring Healing

3) To Introduce People to the Life Giving Presence of God

Surviving every day life in Congo is hard.  Living far from the nearest clinic and having no access to medical care makes life harder. As our nurses treat people, we ease their suffering, driving out pain and discomfort and restoring hope and the joy of living.

Our nurses and midwives will be the healing hands of Jesus for people living in the most remote areas of northeast Congo.  They will bring healing to those who have little access to quality medical care.

All of our nursing and midwifery students share the “life giving presence of God” with their patients.  Healing the body is wonderful, but healing the spirit brings complete healing to those who have not heard about how good God is.  Where the spirit of the Lord is…. there is freedom.


Click on a file to download.

Files coming soon.

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If you have questions about the opportunities available to make a difference in Congo, please feel free to send us a message. We will get back to you as  soon as possible.

To Donate:  Mail your personal or business check to:

Haven of Hope Foundation 15 Creek Side Dr, Coudersport, PA 16915 

Please put “CNSP” in the Memo Line

Or Donate Here:  https://havenhopefoundation.org/donate/

Please put “CNSP” in the Memo Line


Monday – Friday: 6am – 6pm

Saturday – Sunday: Closed


Please reach us at  if you cannot find an answer to your question.

Phil Cochrane: +1 864-380-5300  CongoNurse@gmail.com

Nurse-Midwife Edith Cochrane went to northeast Congo in 1953 where she trained nurses and midwives while treating all kinds of tropical diseases including malaria.  Congo Nurse Scholarship Project is building on her compassionate medical and spiritual legacy to 1) Ease Suffering 2) Bring Healing 3) Introduce people to the life giving presence of God.

We offer carefully selected candidates full 4 year medical scholarships in nursing and midwifery.  Upon graduation our nurses serve their local community for 4 years.

Congo Nurse Scholarship has no paid staff.  We are all volunteers who care about the lack of trained medical staff in northeast Congo.  A 4 year “full-ride” Bachelors of Science in Nursing is just $4,200.00 dollars.  Gifts are accepted in any amounts from $5-10 a month and up.  A monthly gift of $87.50 funds a full 4 year scholarship for a nurse or midwife.

We know that our nurses will ease suffering, bring healing, and introduce people to the life giving presence of God throughout their working careers.  Just imagine, most of our nurses will serve their people for the next 40-50 years!  What an impact!