For years I’ve been delayed in creating a website or blog for one simple reason. The reason is that I know the audience will be very diverse. Its really quite difficult to share information when the audience is so broad.
Most of the posts will be directed towards the audience of people who support the work. This includes people who are reading with the specific intention of deciding whether they want to start supporting the work. It includes people who are interested in supporting specific projects from time to time. Also included are people who provide financial support on a monthly basis to cover all the operating expenses. Many of these people have been supporting the work through the Gospel Tabernacle for many years.
The focus of the Haven of Hope Foundation includes supporting orphanages and churches in Romania. This work was started by a Pastor at the Gospel Tabernacle church in Coudersport, PA. The church provides the ministerial covering for the churches we support in Romania. Further, the members of the church provide most of the financial support required to operate the orphanages in Romania. Many of the readers of this blog will be aware of this church and may be members.
The Haven of Hope Foundation is an independant foundation, seperate and apart from the Gospel Tabernacle. The foundation allows individuals and businesses that are not connected with the Gospel Tabernacle to get involved in supporting the work of the foundation. This blog represents the views of the Haven of Hope Foundation only.
The audience for this blog may be rather diverse in their individual beliefs. You will notice varying levels of “Christian-ese” in the posts, based on the subjects. The Haven of Hope Foundation is unashamedly a Christian organization. Our focus will be to reflect the values and do the work of Jesus Christ.
I am well aware that the audience will include all sides of the foundation’s work. In addition to the supporters, those being supported will definitely be readers of the posts. This includes the pastors we support, members of their churches and even the children growing up in the orphanages we support. The posts will not be embellished or exagerated, but they don’t really need to be. The testimonies of the lives being saved and transformed are powerful enough.
As you can now understand, it would be impossible to create each post to be relevant for every audience. So please bear with me as you read the posts.